Book cover of 7 Disruptors Affecting Financial Aid

Build a Better Financial Aid Process

Institutions like Ferris State University face seven unique disruptors that cause friction for students and ultimately block financial aid completion and enrollment. The changing expectations of students along with staffing gaps and inefficient processes are putting pressure on higher education to adapt.

Get the eBook

Learn about specific friction points in the financial aid process that keep students from enrolling and persisting. In this eBook, you'll uncover how to:

Meet student expectations with 24/7 digital support.
Unlock funding to enroll and retain more students.
Remove barriers that block students from financial aid completion.
Give staff more time for high-touch advising.

Get the eBook

Student Financial Success
Resources for Tech Leaders

Financial Aid’s Perfect Ally: The CIO

You are uniquely suited to champion Student Financial Success at your institution. Learn how advocacy from tech leaders can empower financial aid offices and remove student obstacles.

Discover How Your Peers Are Transforming Financial Aid

Watch tech leaders discuss how scholarship management, engagement, automation, and 
AI-powered advising tools can transform financial aid and enrollment processes.

Ready to Bring Student Financial Success to Ferris State University?
With an expedited rollout plan you can start leveraging financial aid solutions to meet enrollment and retention goals in as few as 90 days. We’re ready to help kickstart your SaaS journey.
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