CourseLeaf is an Academic Operations Platform designed to help your campus thrive. Our intelligent and adaptive software is used by over 500 higher [...]
You invested in your technology solutions for a reason - we'll help you remember why. Doctums is a management and technology consulting firm solely [...]
Lingk’s value proposition is clear - realize 5X the integration productivity at the same cost as in-house efforts, all while accessing capabilities [...]
MazeMap is an innovative digital wayfinding platform, offering solutions for large campuses such as universities, hospitals, offices, hotels, and [...]
N2N Services Inc. believes that turnkey, secure data integration, powered by APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) is critical to the success of [...]
PeopleAdmin is the leading provider of talent management solutions for HigherEd, offering a flexible platform that connects your entire campus with [...]
SIG offers functional and technical consulting expertise in Ellucian Banner® and Ellucian Colleague®, remote Oracle database administration, short [...]