Customer Stories In higher ed, we learn from others. Read on to find out what institutions just like you are doing with Ellucian solutions. Advancement and Alumni Campus Life Cloud Data and Analytics Enrollment and Retention Financial Aid Modernizing the Campus Operational Efficiency Our Approach Student Success Facet Topic Banner Campus Communicator Cloud Colleague CRM Advance CRM Advise (-) CRM Recruit Degree Works Ethos Experience Scholarship Universe Student Forms Workflow Facet Solutions 5,000 - 8,000 8,000 - 15,000 Over 15,000 Facet Institution Size Case Study Video Snapshot Facet Success Story Type (-) 4-year Public Institution 4-year Private Institution 2-year Public Institution System Facet Institution Type Reset Filters CRM Recruit, Degree Works Jacksonville State University (JSU), a 2023 Impact Award winner, leveraged a comprehensive portfolio of Ellucian solutions in their Student Success Initiative. CRM Recruit The University of North Alabama brought recruiting, admissions, and enrollment under one technological roof. Banner, Cloud, CRM Recruit During the height of a pandemic, a university doubled the number of applications it received. Learn more. CRM Recruit How the University of North Alabama created a successful, scalable enrollment process. CRM Advance, CRM Advise, CRM Recruit UAB uses technology to increase efficiency, engagement, and communication with its alumni. CRM Recruit New student recruitment system supports postgraduate program growth CRM Recruit How Heriot-Watt University attracts students to campuses across the globe through a cloud-based recruitment system.