University of the Bahamas
Weathering Disaster with the Cloud
The University of the Bahamas leaned on Ellucian to keep things running after a hurricane destroyed its infrastructure.

Had we not had the cloud in Grand Bahama? We don't know where we would be right now. In 2019, our Northern Bahamas was struck by Hurricane Dorian, and our Northern Bahamas campus in Grand Bahama was totally destroyed. All our infrastructure, all our records were lost.
However, we were fortunate that in 2018 when we did our implementation of Banner, we also introduced the cloud to our systems. It's just continuous services. Students depend on that. They need to know that when they need to access the system, it's available 24/7.
So, during the pandemic, because students weren't able to come in, they stayed on their respective islands and they were able to do classes, register, everything from where they were through technology. It was beneficial. To the University of the Bahamas, because of the way we are set up as a country, we have students that come from different islands. So, the fact that they don't have to print an application, then have somebody walk in and pay for it, literally they have to come to New Providence. And if you're way down in the South of the Bahamas, that's kind of difficult because you have to, you know, look at flights or boat or something to get to New Providence or mail it. You know what I mean? So, if they can do that from their bedrooms, submit an application, pay for the application, do whatever they need to do. That's gold.
I can't say enough about the cloud and how once we got internet access, we were able to get up and running for our students.