Specialists focus on your unique needs by fully designing and managing projects, programs, and applications.
Grants Services
Find, secure, and manage funding with Grants Services
Advance student and institutional success with alternative funding streams.

awarded to client institutions to date
in ROI for every dollar spent
years of collective grants expertise
A plan for you
Updated knowledge
Grant writing and grant management training to ensure compliance.
Long-term success
Assistance in developing a centralized grants office, so you can properly prioritize, plan, and achieve continuous success.
Support from start to finish
Services that support the full grants life cycle—from research to award.
Open communication
Ellucian is committed to communicating within your institution and funding agencies to ensure compliance.
A beneficial partnership

Grants we have helped win
Houston Baptist University
HBU has received its first two awards from the National Science Foundation: a three-year IUSE: HSI award for $298,102 to provide summer research opportunities to HBU STEM majors; and a one-year Noyce award for $122,389 to build capacity for preparing STEM majors to serve as STEM educators in high-need local schools. In addition, HBU received a new TRIO Student Support Services grant from the US Dept of Education for $1,309,440 to increase graduation rates of first-generation students, low-income students, and students with a documented disability.
Muskingum University
Muskingum University received a $2.25M Title III award to accelerate student success by establishing an Impact Center to focus on experiential learning opportunities for students, while also expanding academic support programs and implementing an integrative advising program.
Sul Ross State University
SRSU won a $750K grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) for renovations and expansions to the historic Museum of the Big Bend. The Museum received a NEH Infrastructure and Capacity Building grant, which leverages federal funds to incentivize private investment in the nation’s cultural institutions.
Mt. Hood Community College and Eight Other Community Colleges
Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC) and eight partner community colleges across Oregon received a $5 million consortium grant from the Department of Labor to expand access to cybersecurity and advanced manufacturing workforce training. The “Strengthening Community College Training Grant” funds an Accelerated Learning Pathways project that focuses on systemic changes to allow members to collaborate around their shared program areas.
San Jacinto Community College
San Jacinto Community College received the Integrated Planning and Advising System (IPAS) Title V Grant to fund their Developing Hispanic Serving Institutions project. This project will reform institutional advising capacity and delivery with bilingual and evidence-based intrusive student success strategies underpinned by technology-mediated solutions that streamline communication and access to information across campus to create an integrated planning and advising system (IPAS).
Ocean County College
Ocean County College has recently received a $444,130 three-year grant from the U.S. Department of Education to establish a Center of Excellence for Veteran Student Success on its Toms River campus. This fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) will provide a single point of contact to coordinate comprehensive support services for veteran students.