Ellucian is committed to reducing greenhouse gas (GhG) emissions in company operations, investing in climate projects and helping customers reach their sustainability goals.
Ellucian Impact Report
Ellucian powers higher education to empower student success. The 2023 Impact Report shares our work to help students in financial need, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and build a culture that values diversity, equity and inclusion.

Ellucian shares the deep commitment of our customers, employees, and partners in making a positive difference for students and our communities.
PATH Scholarships Awarded since 2020
Students provided with PATH Scholarship funding globally
hours of community volunteering by employees in 2023
of 2022 GhG emissions were offset in 2023

Investing in Our Communities
Ellucian employees around the world invest in causes they care about and support student success. Read about Ellucian employees in Mexico who partnered with Tecnológico de Monterrey (Tec) to help educate and inspire Mexico's tech talent.

Growing an Inclusive Culture
In 2023, Ellucian launched its first Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Council. Led by President and CEO Laura Ipsen and executives from across the company, the Council works to amplify employee voices and meet organizational needs with action.

Prioritizing Information Security
As a software company, information security is of utmost importance to us. Ellucian's Senior Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer Josh Sosnin shares his view on critical information security questions across the software and higher education industries.